Eariler this week, I had the biggest craving for kimchi pancake ever. So knowing that I was sort in cash to buy kimchi, I tried to make my own. I was so determine to make it even knowing the end result will suck cause I mean, its kimchi!! Only those grannys are a pro in making. Well and me, ahem, I am a pro in the MAKING. News Flash! No just kidding. Anyways yup so I made kimchi. Stunned by the result. I think I added too much ginger. I got a strong headache which lasted for 1 minute and 1 second(Epik High's song!!). Damn the ginger was strong but overall, but kinda nice.
Looks digusting.
So I procceded into making kimchi pancake.
Then suddenly I remebered when Dara came on FO and the part where she made kimchi pancake. After that the family started calling her the cooking master.
But mine was wayy off cause I had cut the cabbage too small.
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