My laptop's been really crazy. Really really crazy to the extend that it will just jam up in between when I'm checking my important documents which leave me nothing to but restart it. Happened 4 times the day before yesterday and 3 times just now. Time to call the techinal support. Again..
Mom: "They don't have the detergent wash, OH MAN."
Suman: "My mom is hip."
Calls out to mom.
Shows rock "\m/" sign.
Mom returns back the sign.
All that in a crowded SUPERMARKET.
My mom, the mafia, sure is one hippy mfia.
So, today, which is techianlly suppose to be yesterday cause it just passed 12am, went out with Sindy because I had to buy some materials for my project. I was debating whether or not to buy on the way to meeting Sindy and Jac, who were the only amature tennies players in the whole lot of the people playing tennies that time. As I could not reach there in time to laugh-cry my tears out watching them play, I just asked how their "training" went. Expected. They were the only ones who accidentally made a fool of themselves. And the best thing, there was the competition going on beside their court. How lovely. I wanna play tennies too. Like Maria Sharpova, I want to scream in agony when I hit the tennies ball. How fun!
Onto the supposedly shopping with Sindy but in the end eneded up exploring the west side of Singapore, I ended up not buying any materials because I decided that I will used it in my second project. I am so good in occuping myself with projects I gave myself but still worrying whether I will be able to finish them or not. Hopefully I will since I have 3weeks of holidays left which I wanted to find a job but am just too lazy.
So Sindy and I went to Lot 1 and Jurong Mall. There was nothing interesting at Lot 1 but oh boy can you get more lost in Jurong Mall than in Singapore! That place freaking huge! Sindy and I got lost a few times. Well ya lucky for me, Sindy was not a first timer there. The place is freaking neat, but huge!! Huge to the extend that there are even some shops that are hiden deepdeep in. Amazing. Will love to go again!
It really hurts everynow and then whenever I listen to their song. Because I am a sentimental type of person, most of my songs in my ipod contains, emo-sentimental-"i love you but i can't be with you" types of songs, it just makes my happy to listen to them. I know right. Listening to sentimental songs but feeling happy. Sometimes I don't make sense therefore making my life more complicated then it already is. Hmm, conspiracy. Anyways, I hope Jay is doing well. Fans should be supporting him with what he wants to do instead of boycotting. It totally does not make any sense at all! Who cares if they are not gonna support the 6memeber in the upcoming Dream Concert. I will.
I will.
My mind is filled with Wooyoung.
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